Transaction Process

   Customer logs-in at the merchant website and selects the product / service to purchase. Based on the purchase amount, appropriate transaction amount would be computed at the merchant website.
   Customer then decides to make payment at merchant website.
   Merchant website will log the order by generating a unique Order Number; and establish a Connection with the Electronic Payment Interface.
   The customer lands on the Payment Page where the customer is displayed with various ‘payment options’ that can be used. These would include–Credit Card; Debit Card; Online Net Banking.
   Customer chooses the payment option at Payment Page, and is further redirected to the page of that respective bank. Customer then enters the relevant authentication details [i.e., User ID/ Card Number/ Password] at the bank’s website; and then is requested to authorize the payment amount.
   Customer’s account is debited and the Customer is then redirected back to the designated Return URL at Merchant website where the status of the transactions is displayed to the customer.
   The Electronic Payment Interface will provide the return response to the designated Merchant return URL. Merchant can use this response to update its system and display the transaction status to the customer.
   The Electronic Payment Interface also generates a unique Transaction ID against each order number that is received.